#31 - The 9 Types & Criticism - Part 1

Season #3

Does constructive criticism feel like a personal attack? Do you ever leave feedback sessions feeling defensive and discouraged?

You're not alone!

In this episode, we'll use the wisdom of the Enneagram to help you transform criticism into your superpower. We’ll explain why feedback can feel like a personal attack so you can make the ultimate shift from shutting down to showing up even bigger and better.

Don’t know your Enneagram Type? We’ve Got You!
Check out our video on 3 Ways to Learn Your Enneagram Type

Hi the play button if you're curious to know:

  • How the Type One (Perfectionist) Filters Feedback as a Failure to be Good Enough
  • How the Type Two (Helper) Filters Feedback as a Failure to be Helpful
  • How the Type Three (Achiever) Filters Feedback as a Failure to be Successful
  • How the Type Four (Individualist) Filters Feedback as a Failure to be Accepted for Who They Are
  • How the Type Five (Investigator) Filters Feedback as a Failure to be Competent
  • How the Type Six (Loyalist) Filters Feedback as a Failure to be Secure or Safe
  • How the Type Seven (Enthusiast) Filters Feedback as Unnecessary Negativity
  • How the Type Eight (Challenger) Filters Feedback as a Threat to Their Autonomy
  • How the Type Nine (Peacekeeper) Filters Feedback as Conflict
  • How to Turn Criticism Into an Opportunity for Growth / The Repeat Back Technique
  • How our Enneagram Team Workshops Can Help Your Team Growth Together

Ready to unlock the full potential of the Enneagram at work? Consider hosting an Enneagram Workshop! These interactive sessions will delve deeper into your Enneagram type and help you leverage its insights to improve communication and get back to having fun at work. What are you waiting for? Check out our Enneagram Workshops now!